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Root Project Convention Plugin

The Root Project convention plugin adds buildAll, assembleAll, cleanAll, and checkAll tasks that invoke the corresponding tasks on the sub-builds and subprojects. Optionally, it can add publishAll and publishAllToMavenLocal tasks as well, but this is generally not recommended as not all included builds may have the maven-publish plugin applied.

plugins {
    id("org.metaborg.convention.root-project") version "<version>"


The plugin can be configured using the rootProjectConvention extension:

rootProjectConvention {


Publish Tasks

By default, the Root Project convention plugin only creates lifecycle tasks (build, assemble, clean, check, and their corresponding versions with the All suffix), but no tasks for publishing. The reasoning is that not all subprojects and included builds will be configured to be published, and as such, delegating publish to these included builds can cause errors. However, if you do want root-level publish and publishToMavenLocal tasks (and publishAll and publishAllToMavenLocal), then you can achieve this by setting registerPublishTasks to true in the root project:

rootProjectConvention {

This assumes that all included builds have publish and publishToMavenLocal tasks. This is generally not the case, as not all included builds may have the maven-publish plugin applied. In contrast, for subprojects this is already handled correctly by this plugin.

For included builds that will not be published, we have to add stub publish and publishToMavenLocal tasks. These tasks will do nothing, but will prevent errors when the root project tries to delegate these tasks to the included builds. To add these stub tasks, set registerStubPublishTasks to true in the included build's root project:

rootProjectConvention {