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Spoofax 2.5.22 (30-07-2024)

Spoofax 2.5.22 removes all javax.inject annotations from the codebase, only jakarta.inject annotations remain.

This change only impacts users that distribute Java projects that depend on parts of Spoofax. Spoofax code will no longer work with guice version 5.1.0 due to this change, but will now work with guice version 6.0.0 since that version will no longer complain about double-annotated arguments. Spoofax itself uses guice version 7.0.0 (changed in the previous release) which ignores javax.inject annotations and only looks for jakarta.inject annotations.


  • Removed all javax.inject annotations from the codebase, only jakarta.inject annotations remain.


  • Removed java.inject:java.inject:1 as a direct dependency.

Last update: July 30, 2024
Created: July 30, 2024