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Documentation Troubleshooting

Macro Syntax Error: Missing end of comment tag

The macros in the documentation, including in code blocks, is expanded through the mkdocs-macros plugin which uses the Jinja2 template processor. Its template syntax is very advanced, allowing not only to replace simple references, but also more complex statements and comments. In this case, Jinja sees {# and interprets it as a comment. Of course, then it cannot find the end of the comment and produces an error.

INFO - [macros] - ERROR # _Macro Syntax Error_
       _Line 11 in Markdown file:_ **Missing end of comment tag**
       {# This is not a Jinja comment }

To work around this, wrap the block in a {% raw %} and {% endraw %} tag. For example:

{% raw %}
{# This is not a Jinja comment }
{% endraw %}

Alternatively, if you still want to use other macros in the code, wrap the offending character sequence in a template:


For example:

{{'{#'}} This is not a Jinja comment }

In both cases the example gets rendered as:

{# This is not a Jinja comment }

Last update: October 1, 2024
Created: October 1, 2024