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How to write internal links

Links to other parts of the documentation should be written as relative links and point to specific Markdown files. For example, to add a link to tutorials from the background/ page, the link should read:


To link to the index page of a section, link to the file.

Avoid internal links without .md

Even if it might seem to work, do not link to an internal page without specifying the .md file to link to. For example, do not use [Background](../background/). These links will not work once the documentation has been deployed.

Additionally, you won't see any warnings about these (possibly broken) links in the console when running mkdocs or its Docker image.

Absolute Links are Not Supported

Even if it might seem to work, do not link to an internal page using an absolute link. For example, do not use [Background](/background/ These links are not properly converted and will break once the documentation has been deployed.

Last update: July 24, 2024
Created: July 24, 2024