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How to publish a new release of Spoofax

This how-to describes how to release Spoofax.


To release Spoofax, you must first be able to build Spoofax. Follow the Maven and Building guides first.

To publish releases, you will need write access to the spoofax-releng repository, to all submodule repositories in that repository, and to this documentation repository. An account with deploy access to our artifact server is required. Ask an administrator of the Programming Languages group to get access to the repositories and artifact server.


  1. Prepare Maven deploy settings.

    1. Open your ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

    2. Add a <servers></servers> section if it does not exist.

    3. Add a server to the servers section with id metaborg-nexus that contains your username and password to our artifact server:

    4. Optionally encrypt your password by following the Password Encryption guide.

  2. Prepare the repository containing the build scripts.

    1. Clone or re-use an existing clone of spoofax-releng on the master branch. See Cloning the source code.

    2. Update it to the latest commit with:

      git pull --rebase && ./b checkout -y && ./b update
    3. To enable Git pushing without having to supply a username and password via Git over HTTPS, run the following command to set the submodule remotes to SSH URLs:

      ./b set-remote -s
  3. Prepare the source code repository.

    1. Make a separate clone (or re-use an existing one if you have released Spoofax before) of the spoofax-release branch of spoofax-releng. This must be a separate clone in a different directory from the first one. See Cloning the source code.
    Why two separate clones of spoofax-releng?

    The reason for two separate clones of spoofax-releng is that the release script will modify the files in the repository, which could include files of the release script itself. Therefore, we make a separate clone which the release script acts upon, so that it does not interfere with itself.

    1. If reusing an existing clone, ensure that it is checked out to spoofax-release with:

      git checkout spoofax-release
      ...and update it to the latest commit with:
      git pull --rebase && ./b checkout -y && ./b update

    2. If there are new submodules repositories, follow the steps for preparing new submodules below.

    3. To enable Git pushing without having to supply a username and password via Git over HTTPS, run the following command to set the submodule remotes to SSH URLs:

      ./b set-remote -s
  4. Perform the release.

    1. Change directory into the repository cloned in step 2. For example:

      cd /Users/gohla/spoofax/master/spoofax-releng
    2. Get an absolute path to the repository cloned in step 3. For example:


    3. Determine whether the release will be patch or minor/major. For a patch release, we do not bump the development version. For a minor or major release, we do.

    4. Figure out what the current development version of Spoofax is, what the next release version should be, and if doing a non-patch release, what the next development version should be. The release script will change the current development version into the next release version, deploy that, and then change the current development version to the next development version, and commit that. Setting the next development version is optional.

    5. Make sure that spoofax/org.metaborg.core/src/main/java/org/metaborg/core/ has the next release version in the METABORG_VERSION constant. Otherwise you'll release a new version of Spoofax that generates new projects with the wrong version!

    6. Execute the release script with the parameters you gathered:

      ./b --repo <release-repository> release \
        spoofax-release <release-version> \
        master <current-development-version> \
        --non-interactive \
        --maven-deploy \
        --maven-deploy-identifier metaborg-nexus \
        --maven-deploy-url \
        --nexus-deploy \
        --nexus-username <artifact-server-username> \
        --nexus-password <artifact-server-password> \
        --nexus-repo releases

      ...or for a major version, with --next-develop-version:

      ./b --repo <release-repository> release \
        spoofax-release <release-version> \
        master <current-development-version> \
        --next-develop-version <next-development-version> \
        --non-interactive \
        --maven-deploy \
        --maven-deploy-identifier metaborg-nexus \
        --maven-deploy-url \
        --nexus-deploy \
        --nexus-username <artifact-server-username> \
        --nexus-password <artifact-server-password> \
        --nexus-repo releases

      For example, if we currently are at development version 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT, and would like to release minor version 2.6.0, and update the development version to 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT, we would execute the following command:

      cd /Users/gohla/spoofax/master/spoofax-releng
      ./b --repo /Users/gohla/spoofax/release/spoofax-releng release \
        spoofax-release 2.6.0 \
        master 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT \
        --next-develop-version 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT \
        --non-interactive \
        --maven-deploy \
        --maven-deploy-identifier metaborg-nexus \
        --maven-deploy-url \
        --nexus-deploy \
        --nexus-username myusername \
        --nexus-password mypassword \
        --nexus-repo releases

      Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to encrypt the artifact server password passed to the build script.

New spoofax-releng Submodules

When adding a new submodule to the spoofax-releng repository, the following steps must be performed before starting the automated release process:

  • Add a spoofax-release branch to the submodule (pointing to the current master branch), and push that branch.
  • Add the submodule to the .gitmodule file in the spoofax-release branch of the spoofax-releng repository. Make sure that the branch of the submodule is set to spoofax-release, and that the remote is using an https URL. Commit and push this change.

Updating the Release Archive

To update the release archive of this documentation site, perform the following steps after a release:

  • Copy content/release/migrate/vnext.rst to content/release/migrate/<release-version>.rst (only if migrations are necessary):
    • Remove stub notice.
  • Copy content/release/note/vnext.rst to content/release/note/<release-version>.rst:
    • Change vNext in the heading into <release-version> (<current-date(DD-MM-YYYY)>)
    • Remove stub notice.
    • Remove the link to the migration guide is not applicable.
    • Add small summary of the release as an introduction.
    • Add download links inclusion based on <release-version>, see the code in a previous release.
  • Reset the files:
    • Make a stubbed migration guide.
    • Make a stubbed release notes.
  • Update mkdocs.yml:
    • Add the new migration guide to the navigation if applicable.
    • Add the new release notes to the navigation.
    • Update the copyright with new year, if needed.
  • Update tools/
    • Add the release and the date to release_versions.

Last update: January 28, 2025
Created: January 28, 2025