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Spoofax 1.5.0 (18-12-2015)

We're happy to announce the release of Spoofax 1.5.0 with new SDF3 features and fixes, and support for Eclipse Mars.



  • Feature: support for case insensitive keywords. All keywords in a template production are case insensitive if the production has the attribute case-insensitive.
  • Feature: pretty-print ambiguous programs (by taking the first alternative).
  • Feature: give an error if the filename does not match the module name.
  • Fix: ESV generation with empty imports.
  • Fix: disallow empty placeholders <> in template productions.

Contributor: Eduardo Amorim


  • Feature: support for Eclipse Mars.
  • Feature: generation of premade Eclipse installations with Spoofax installed.

Contributor: Gabriel Konat

Command-line tools

  • Fix: Sunshine now pretty-prints ATerms before presenting them, mimicking the behavior in Eclipse.

Contributor: Gabriel Konat

Last update: July 24, 2024
Created: July 24, 2024