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Development Releases

Use the development releases of Spoofax only if you want to be on the cutting-edge of Spoofax development.

Choose the Eclipse Bundle installation (recommended), the Eclipse Plugin installation, or the From Source installation:

Download an Eclipse instance with an embedded Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the latest Spoofax plugin pre-installed for your platform:

macOS Intel (64-bit)
Linux x64 (64-bit)
Windows x64 (64-bit)
Windows x86 (32-bit)

Installation instructions.

Download an Eclipse instance (without JRE) and the latest Spoofax plugin pre-installed for your platform:

macOS Intel (64-bit)

Linux x64 (64-bit)

Windows x64 (64-bit)

Windows x86 (32-bit)

Installation instructions.

Perform a manual installation of the Spoofax plugin in Eclipse 3.5 or newer through the update site:

Installation instructions.

Use Git to clone the Spoofax Github repository:

git clone
git clone
gh repo clone metaborg/spoofax-releng

Installation instructions.

Last update: July 24, 2024
Created: July 24, 2024