Inspect Terms¶
As a Stratego programmer you will be looking a lot at raw ATerms. Stratego pioneers did this by opening an ATerm file in emacs and trying to get a sense of the structure by parenthesis highlighting and inserting newlines here and there. These days your life is much more pleasant through pretty-printing ATerms, which adds layout to a term to make it readable. For example, parsing the following program
let function fact(n : int) : int =
if n < 1 then 1 else (n * fact(n - 1))
in printint(fact(10))
produces the following ATerm:
By pretty-printing the term we get a much more readable term:
[ FunDecs(
[ FunDec(
, [FArg("n", Tp(Tid("int")))]
, Tp(Tid("int"))
, If(
Lt(Var("n"), Int("1"))
, Int("1")
, Seq([ Times(Var("n"), Call(Var("fact"), [Minus(Var("n"), Int("1"))]))
, [ Call(Var("printint"), [Call(Var("fact"), [Int("10")])])
In Spoofax/Eclipse, you will find that in some contexts ATerms are automatically pretty-printed, whereas in others they are simply printed linearly. However, you can obtain assistance with perceiving the structure of any ATerm by writing it into a file with the ".aterm" extension and opening it in the Spoofax Editor in Eclipse. On the right there will be a convenient Outline Navigator which allows you to select any node in the ATerm and see the entire subtree below it highlighted in the editor.
Created: January 28, 2025